reality check on life in lyon

Mama and Dad, this post is proof that I study every now and then. Our exam is in two days, and I feel like I’ll go blind reading my notes and the material if I don’t take a quick break. Beloved Katie is torturing me with texts reporting that our special cafe is cold while I sweat my heart out in the library on the 5th or 6th floor (I always lose count as I lose my breath climbing the stairs). It’s not all bad. Here, it’s quiet, easy to focus, and the view is gorgeous. And I’m learning more than just Wine Law up here. For example, I’ve learned that all the library people are tanner than this table and apparently have no shame picking their noses (the count is up to four people now).

Don’t worry Mama, I can already hear you in my bed, “That’s great, honey. Now, get back to studying.”

Lbirary 2

Hey Tia, countdown: 2 days!

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