winery tour

Today we went on a winery tour and tasting at Guyot! It was a treat to actually see the grapes and wine-making process we’ve been learning about in class. Guyot taught us about how the vines grow, how to ward off diseases, when to pick the grapes, and the different processes for white, rosé, and red wines. We saw the massive metal structures where the wines are actually made, the barrels the wines age in, the machines that clean empty wine bottles before they are filled, and more. They served a rosé and two types of red wine to taste (I loved them all), and after the tasting, they fed us lunch! I could get used to this kind of learning. . .

Fun fact of the day: Light colored rosés are trending now. To make a light colored rosé, you press the grapes when you pick them off the vine. To make a darker rosé, you allow the “juice” to come into contact with the grape skins which gives the wine its red coloring. The longer the “juice” touches the skins, the darker red the rosé is.